"Krisztina is the most amazing teacher I have ever met. She is kind, firm and challenges the kids to the next level very smoothly. Nitya learned to take her first steps after she started classes with Krisztina. I still remember the encouraging way Krisztina used to make my 2 year old daughter walk. She used two sticks that she and Nitya held and walked backwards while Nitya walked forwards. Then Krisztina slowly faded away her hold on the stick while still walking backwards. Pretty soon Nitya was walking all by herself! Like this, Krisztina has taught Nitya's many first steps—obstacle courses for her to figure out to turn on the light switch, follow directions, blow bubbles, etc. This was the best Early Start program we had that worked with all dimensions—physical, self-help, cognitive."
---Uma Ganesh, Parent, San Jose, California
"Krisztina understands the challenges of raising a child with special needs, at the level of the child, the parents, the siblings, and the community at large. Her knowledge of the special education needed to address the growth and development of children with cerebral palsy is immense, and she consistently applies this understanding to create and implement programs of the highest quality, where the children are encouraged, stimulated, appropriately rewarded and therefore acquire self esteem and discipline. May I add these skills also apply to the parents! What always amazes me is how respectful and encouraging she is towards my daughter when we meet her. Believing in our children is the first step towards them believing in themselves."
---Mouna Raad, Parent and Educational Specialist, Los Gatos, California
"We thank you with all of our heart for the considerate care you provided to every child, and especially to our little Romane, during the three-week baby group. Romane made great progress and is now a much more lively little girl. She is more at ease with her movements, and she moves more easily, faster, and with more self confidence. Her communication skills also improved greatly. She is more aware of things and people around her and is curious about everything. We very much appreciated your availability, your kindness, and as health professionals ourselves, your great professionalism, always achieving the most of each child's potential."
---Christine and Claude Verny, Grandparents and Physical Therapists, Clermont-Ferand, France
"Krisztina is universally loved by parents, colleagues, and students. Several times she has won "Best Teacher" awards. She is always reliable, responsible, and professional, and she always upholds the original principles of Conductive Education. Since she left the Pető Institute in 2000, she has maintained these values, and she applies them to all of her work in the United States. I give my highest recommendation to Krisztina as a teacher of special-needs children..."
---Andrea Benyovszky, Program Director/Conductor-Teacher, Conductive Education Learning Center, Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"I have known Krisztina for a long time. I first knew her as one of my teachers at the Pető Institute, and later in my career I had a chance to get to know her as a colleague, as a conductor in her team. ...She is a great professional, I believe, because of her personal values, which make her natural, competent, reliable, precise, and most importantly, affectionate. I greatly respect her and her expertise in Conductive Education."
---Monika Rumi, Conductor-Teacher
"When I think of Kriszti my first thoughts are of her smile and of her kind, honest, and caring nature. My next thoughts are of her exceptional knowledge of Conductive Education and of her outstanding practical experience working with children who have cerebral palsy. Kriszti grew up at the Pető Institute in Budapest to become "The Conductor”. I worked with Kriszti for decades at the Pető Institute and we have maintained our friendship since. Her caring, friendly nature and her sense of humor ensure that children like to learn from her. I know that children who attend Kriszti’s programs will achieve their best!"
---Katalin Gonczy, Senior Conductor-Lecturer, National Institute of Conductive Education, Birmingham, UK
My name is Jake Arens and I was born in 1996, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Eighteen months later, my parents and doctors noticed that I wasn't developing quite like other children, and it was discovered that I had Cerebral Palsy. Through a series of miracles, my mother was introduced to a new program called Conductive Education that was being brought to West Michigan. At the time, I didn't know I was working to improve my body and overcome my disability. I was simply playing with other children, and with some nice ladies with funny accents. Their names were Krisztina Abonyi and Andrea Benyovszky, who continue to be leaders in the field. I didn't understand how fortunate I was.
As I grew older, I knew I was different. I walked on tip toe and was never the fastest, but not once did anyone tell me I couldn't do something because of my CP. I kept stretching, kept practicing walking heel-toe, wore braces on my legs and simply went on being a kid.
Fast forward to highschool, I was making straight A's, had a thriving social life, was a varsity wrestler, played on the football team and took up ultimate frisbee. I all but forgot about having Cerebral Palsy.
After my college years at Michigan State University, I traveled to Asia, where the mode of transportation for travelers is primarily walking. Strolling for countless miles every day, I'd sometimes limp, but never paid it any mind. When people asked me if I was OK, I simply said, "Yes, I have Cerebral Palsy, so sometimes I walk funny". People were either confused because they didn't know about CP, or completely incredulous at how "normal" I seemed. I found myself nearly every day saying, "I got amazing therapy as a child". It was this trip that made me realize how lucky I was to have found Conductive Ed.
I decided that I should do something wild, to fully utilize this gift I had been given. Something a kid who wasn't guaranteed to walk shouldn't be able to do.
In 2022, I hiked the Appalachian Trail, 2194.3 miles from Georgia to Maine. Sitting atop Mount Katahdin at the end of my hike, I was overcome with gratitude for the wonderful life I have been given. Gratitude for the sacrifice of grandparents who paid for my treatment. Gratitude for parents who never limited my potential. And above all, gratitude for the wonderful conductors whose life's mission is to give children like me a chance at a wonderful life.
To any child with Cerebral Palsy, know that you can be so much more than CP.
To the parents wondering how to bear this burden for their child, your child will show you the way, if you let them.
To the Conductors who give their heart and soul to changing lives, it's working. Thank you.
To current and prospective donors, you are making a difference.
© 2025